《 Mikelangelo Loconte & John Eyzen – Concert On Line 》
粉絲專屬獨家花絮 Exclusive Behind-the-scenes
信用卡、Google Pay、Apple pay以及ATM虛擬帳號
1. ATM虛擬帳號付款方式僅限台灣消費者使用。
- ATM虛擬帳號付款僅限台灣金融機構開戶所核發之提款卡,並且已開通「非約定帳戶轉帳」功能。其他國家的消費者僅能選擇使用信用卡付款。
- ATM虛擬帳號付款每筆訂單須低於台幣$30,000
2.信用卡、apple pay、google pay付款限定卡別VISA 、Master或JCB付款。
- 為強化信用卡網路付款安全,KKTIX售票系統網站導入了更安全的信用卡 3D 驗證服務,會員購票時,將取得簡訊驗證碼,確保卡號確實為持卡人所有,以提供持卡人更安全的網路交易環境。
Payment method:
Credit card, Google Pay, Apple pay and ATM virtual account
1. The ATM virtual account payment method is only available from Taiwanese banks.
- ATM virtual account payment is limited to the ATM card issued by Taiwanese banks when opening an account, and with the "non-agreement account transfer" function activated. All overseas consumers have to use a credit card for payment.
- ATM virtual account payment is capped at TWD 30,000 per transaction.
2. Credit card, apple pay, google pay, payment limited card type VISA, Master or JCB payment.
- In order to strengthen the security of credit card online payment, the KKTIX ticketing system website has introduced a more secure 3D credit card verification service. When members purchase tickets, they will receive a SMS verification code to ensure that the card number matches the cardholder, so as to provide the cardholder with a warning of the transaction. Safe online trading environment.
🎵 Program page-English version click here. 🎵
How to Buy
Méthodes de paiement:
Carte de crédit, Google Pay, Apple Pay et transfert par distributeur de billets.
Le paiement par transfert depuis un distributeur de billets n’est disponible que depuis Taiwan.
- Le paiement par transfert depuis un distributeur de billets n’est disponible que depuis les banques Taiwanaise, et seulement si la fonction est activée à l’ouverture du compte. Tous paiements depuis l’etranger doit se faire par carte de crédit.
- Le paiement par transfert depuis un distributeur de billets est limité à 30,000NT par transaction.
Carte de crédit, Apple Pay, Google Pay, carte de paiement limite de type Visa, Paiement par Mastercard ou JCB.
- Afin de renforcer la sécurité du paiement en ligne, la billetterie en ligne KKTIX utilise un processus renforce 3D de vérification d'identité. Quand un membre achète un ticket, il recevra un code de vérification par SMS afin de s’assurer que le numéro de carte est bien utilisé par son détenteur. Cet SMS sert à informer le détenteur de la carte de la transaction, afin d’avoir un système de paiement en ligne sur.
🎵 Page du programme - la version française ci-dessous. Cliquez ici. 🎵
Comment acheter
Способ оплаты:
Кредитная карта, Google Pay, Apple Pay и виртуальный счет в банкомате.
1. Способ оплаты виртуального счета через банкомат доступен только в тайваньских банках.
- Платежи по виртуальному счету в банкомате ограничены картой банкомата, выпущенной тайваньскими банками, и с активированной функцией «перевод счета без соглашения». Все зарубежные потребители должны использовать кредитную карту для оплаты.
- Оплата через виртуальный счет в банкомате ограничена суммой 30 000 тайваньских долларов за транзакцию.
2. Кредитная карта, Apple Pay, Google Pay, оплата с ограничением по типу карты VISA, Master или JCB.
- Чтобы повысить безопасность онлайн-платежей по кредитной карте, веб-сайт билетной системы KKTIX использует безопасную услугу трехмерной проверки кредитной карты. При покупке билетов, вы получите проверочный код по SMS, чтобы убедиться, что номер карты совпадает с владельцем карты, и предоставить владельцу карты оповещение о транзакции. Это безопасная среда для онлайн-торговли.
🎵 Страница программы - русская версия ниже. Кликните сюда. 🎵
Как купить
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【 頭號粉絲專屬影片活動(限量100組)】
使用同一組帳號名下購買票種 NT$899五張即成為我們的頭號粉絲,可獲得頭號粉絲影片錄製,請寫下您希望歌手對您講的話或是您想詢問的問題,我們會請歌手錄製您的專屬影片透過購票電子信箱寄送給您。(限50字以內)
【 獨家花絮,只要NT$199!】
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To thank all the fans around the world, MASIVE and the singers decided to add two special events.
"Super Fan's Exclusive Messages Video ”(100 set limited)
Using the same account to purchase 5 tickets of NT$899 (convert to US $32) will receive a “Super Fan's Exclusive Messages Video”, please write down the words which you wish the singer(s) to talk to you OR answer a specific question for you. We will record a video for you and send it through KKTIX registered e-mail a few days after the concert.
"Exclusive Behind-the-scenes”
Fans who bought any type of tickets will have the chance to enjoy an "exclusive behind-the-scenes" set(including 15 photos and a video), which will be sent through KKTIX registered e-mail.
For the fans who purchase the NT$899 (convert to US $32) tickets BEFORE 08:59 (GMT-7) & 11:59 (GMT-4) on 7/14 (Wednesday), you will receive the “exclusive behind-the-scenes" set for FREE.
AFTER 21:00 (GMT-7) on 7/17 (Saturday) & 00:00 (GMT-4) on 7/18 (Sunday), the “exclusive behind-the-scenes” set can be purchased via a permission code issued with the ticket for an extra NT$199. (convert to US $7.10)
Don't miss this exclusive opportunity!
👉 Go to Ticket Sales Information & Shop Now👈
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Afin de remercier tous les fans autour du monde, MASIVE et les chanteurs ont décidé de rajouter 2 événements exclusifs.
"Spéciale dédicace pour les plus grand fans” (limité à 100)
Pour ceux qui auront acheté 5 tickets a 899 NTD depuis le même compte, recevront une "spéciale dédicace" en vidéo. N'hésitez pas à nous faire savoir si vous désirez que les chanteurs personnalisent le message ou répondent à une question particulière. La vidéo sera enregistrée et vous la recevrez sur l’adresse email associée à votre compte KKTIX quelques jours après le concert.
“Les coulisses du spectacle”
Les fans qui auront acheté un ticket pour le concert auront une chance de recevoir un montage “Les coulisses du spectacle” (15 photos et une vidéo incluses) qui vous sera envoyé sur l’adresse associée au compte KKTIX.
Pour les fans qui achèteront les tickets a 899 NTD(environ EUR €27) avant 17:59 (GMT+2) le mercredi 14 juillet, recevront le paquet “les coulisses du spectacle" gratuitement .
Après 06:00 (GMT+2) le samedi 17 juillet, le montage “les coulisses du spectacle” coutera 199 NTD(environ EUR €6) et sera disponible au travers d’un code promotionnel obtenu lors de l’achat du ticket.
Saisissez votre chance et ne passez pas à côté de cette opportunité!
👉Accédez aux informations sur la vente de billets et achetez maintenant👈
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Чтобы поблагодарить наших поклонников по всему миру, MASIVE и певцы решили добавить два специальных мероприятия.
"Видео с эксклюзивными сообщениями от супер-фанов" (ограниченное количество: 100)
При покупке 5ти билетов стоимостью 2338 рублей с одной учетной записи, вы получите «Видео с эксклюзивными сообщениями от супер-фана». Запишите, кому вы хотите, чтобы артисты передали приветы, ИЛИ задайте им конкретный вопрос. Артисты запишут вам видео и мы отправим его по зарегистрированной в KKTIX электронной почте через несколько дней после концерта.
"Эксклюзивные закулисы"
Поклонники, купившие билеты любого типа, получат возможность насладиться «эксклюзивными закулисами» (в набор входит 15 фотографий и видео), который будет отправлен вам через зарегистрированное в KKTIX электронное письмо.
Фанаты, купившие билеты за 2338 рублей ДО 18:59 (GMT+3) 14 июля (среда), получат БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ доступ к «эксклюзивным закулисам».
ПОСЛЕ 07:00 (GMT+3) 17 июля (суббота) набор «закулисами» можно будет приобрести с помощью кода, выданного вместе с билетом, за дополнительные 526 ₽.
Не упустите эту эксклюзивную возможность!
👉 Перейти к информации о продаже билетов и купить сейчас👈
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販售時間:2021/7/17 (六) 中午12點
票 價:NT$199
- 此活動僅限購買《 Mikelangelo Loconte & John Eyzen - Concert Online 》線上演唱會的消費者加購,消費者可於訂單成立信件中獲得資格碼。
- 需要輸入資格碼方可加購(請注意,是完整且一模一樣的英文/號碼。)
- 本節目網站購票僅接受會員購買,購票前請先"加入會員"並需完成"電子郵件地址"驗證,以便進行購票流程,建議可於會員"設定"中的"報名預填資料"先行存檔「姓名」和「手機」,可減少購票時間快速進行下一步。
- 為了確保您的權益,強烈建議您,在註冊會員或是結帳時填寫的聯絡人電子郵件,盡量不要使用Yahoo或Hotmail郵件信箱,以免因為擋信、漏信,甚至被視為垃圾郵件而無法收到『訂單成立通知信』。
- 訂單成立通知信可能因其他因素未能寄達,僅提供交易通知之用,未收到訂單成立通知信不代表交易沒有成功,又或是刷卡付款失敗,請於付款期限之內再次嘗試刷卡(即便收到銀行的授權成功的簡訊或電子郵件),若訂單逾期取消,則表示訂單真的沒有成立,請再重新訂購。一旦無法確認於網站上的訂單是否交易成功,請至會員帳戶的"訂單"查詢您的消費資料,只要是成功的訂單,皆會顯示您所消費的票券明細,若查不到您所訂購的票券,表示交易並未成功,請重新訂票。
- 需加入會員。
- 付款方式:信用卡(VISA/MASTER/JCB)、ATM虛擬帳號
- 為強化信用卡網路付款安全,KKTIX售票系統網站導入了更安全的信用卡 3D 驗證服務,會員購票時,將取得簡訊驗證碼,確保卡號確實為持卡人所有,以提供持卡人更安全的網路交易環境。信用卡3D驗證流程為何?
- ATM虛擬帳號付款注意事項:僅限於台灣金融機構開戶所核發之提款卡並已開通「非約定帳戶轉帳」之功能,每筆訂單若超過$30,000無法選擇ATM虛擬帳號付款,請務必於期限內付款,逾期未付款訂單將會自動取消
- 寄送方式:獨家花絮將會在線上活動結束一週內發送(8/7前)寄達KKTIX註冊的電子信箱
- KKTIX購票流程圖示說明請點我
- 本活動退票需酌收票價10%手續費,限2021/07/27(含)前將「訂單已成立」信件及「KKTIX退票申請書」以EMAIL方式"轉寄"至 support@kktix.com ,「訂單已成立」 信件為系統自動傳送,請勿直接回覆,避免收不到您的退票申請。(提醒您!如您來信三個工作天後未收到KKTIX回覆,有可能是擋信或漏信了,請您於上班時間來電客服以保障您的退票申請。)退款時間及方式請詳閱KKTIX退換票規定。
- 請勿於拍賣網站或是其他非KKTIX正式授權售票之通路、網站購票,除可能衍生詐騙案件或交易糾紛外,以免影響自身權益,若發生演出現場無法入場或是其他問題,主辦單位及KKTIX概不負責。
- 若有任何形式非供自用而加價轉售(無論加價名目為代購費、交通費、補貼等均包含在內)之情事經查屬實者,將依社會秩序維護法第64條第2款逕向警方檢舉。
- 消費者必須以真實姓名購票及填寫有效個人資訊,一旦以虛假資料購買票券已經涉及「偽造私文書罪」,依照刑法第二百十條:「偽造、變造私文書,足以生損害於公眾或他人者,處五年以下有期徒刑。」 ,主辦單位及KKTIX皆有權利立即取消該消費者訂單,請勿以身試法!
- 購票前請詳閱注意事項,一旦購票成功視為同意上述所有活動注意事項。
Purchase Information
Launch :2021/7/17 (六) 12PM (GMT+8)
Delivery method:"Exclusive Behind-the-scenes”will be sent to the registered KKTIX e-mail within one week after the online event (before 8/7)
- This event is only available to consumers who purchased《 Mikelangelo Loconte & John Eyzen - Concert Online 》ticket. The consumer can obtain the qualification code in the order confirmation email.
- Please fill in the qualification code for purchasing. ( Please note that the fill-in content needs to be exactly the same as the qualification code you received.)
Ticket Sales Information
- The event is only available for KKTIX members. Before you buy the ticket, please sign up and verify your email address. Besides, you can fill up your name and mobile number through Member's Settings in advance to speed up your purchasing process.
- In order to sign up successfully and avoid missing the notification email, we suggest that when you sign up or fill up your email address, please use other emails except for Hotmail and Yahoo mail.
- How to make sure my order is completed?
- Check "My tickets" to confirm your order.
- Whether your credit card authorization is successful or not, please check the order status on "My Tickets".
- The order confirmation email probably will not be received for some reason, but it's only for notice, so please check your order status on "My Tickets" if it’s successful.
- Please re-purchase the ticket if you cannot find your order on “My Tickets.”
- How to purchase a ticket on KKTIX
- Sign up
- Payment method: Credit card(VISA/MASTER/JCB), ATM virtual account
- To strengthen credit card payment security, KKTIX applies 3D secure payment verification. Customers have to complete an additional verification step with the card issuer when paying.
- ATM Virtual Account payment is only available for the cards issued by Taiwanese banks and it requires a non-designated account to transfer. Each transfer or remittance should not be exceeding NTD$30,000.
- Please complete the payment within the payment period, or the order will be canceled automatically.
- Delivery method: "Exclusive Behind-the-scenes” will be sent to the registered KKTIX e-mail within one week after the online event (before 8/7)
- For KKTIX Purchasing process, please Click Here
- .Tickets are refundable with a 10% handling fee of the ticket price. Please forward your “Order Confirmation Email” and “KKTIX Refund Application Form” to support@kktix.com before 2021/07/27. Please do not directly reply to the “Order Confirmation Email” because it’s sent automatically by the system. Tickets refund requests emailed on and after 2021/07/28 will NOT be accepted. For more info, please refer to KKTIX REFUND POLICY.
- Please do not purchase tickets from other channels or websites that are not officially authorized by KKTIX. In addition to possible fraud cases or transaction disputes, it may also affect your rights and interests. The organizer and KKTIX will not take the responsibility for any problems arising from the above reasons.
- If there is any confirmed case of non-self-use or resale at a higher price (including purchasing fee, transportation fee, subsidy, etc.), it will be reported to the police according to Article 64, paragraph 2 of the Social Order Maintenance Act.
- Consumers should fill in real personal information when purchasing tickets. Purchasing tickets with false information is involved in the crime of "uttering a forged instrument". According to Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of China: " A person who forges or alters a private document and causes injury to the public or other people shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years.” The organizer and KKTIX have the right to cancel the consumer’s order, so please do not violate the law!
- Please read the notice above carefully before purchasing the tickets. Once your order is successfully purchased, it will be considered that you agree to all the conditions mentioned above.